Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

Residential Leader applications 2025 are open now! Click on Apply for more information

Inter-College Debating - Salmond Team

Thursday 11th August 2022

Great win vs the current top team in intercollege debating comp

Inter-College 48-Hour Film and Arts awards

Friday 5th August 2022

Salmond and Knox College Foundation scholarship recipients

Tuesday 26th July 2022

Congratulations to the recipients of the Salmond and Knox College Foundation scholarships awarded in 2022!

A function was held to recognise the recipients of the Salmond and Knox College Foundation scholarships.  Drinks and nibbles were followed by the presentation of special medals as a token of the scholarship.  The function was followed by dinner with the trustees and other awardees.

Applications for the 2023 scholarships close on 30th September 2022.  Foundation of Salmond Scholarships can be awarded in addition to University of Otago scholarships.  Application details can be found here.

See more photos from the function here.

Mid-Winter Christmas Dinner

Friday 22nd July 2022

Twas Mid-Winter Christmas and all was not quiet.  There were carols, blazing fires and all was just right.  The food was delicious, the costumes were great.  Dessert was a hit with a piled high plate.  The costumes were festive, lots of cans were donated.  Oh what a night,  Christmas was celebrated!

International Performance evening

Friday 21st May 2021

What an incredible evening of International Performances from Colleges on Sunday 16th May - certainly a highlight in the Intercollege calendar. Well done to the group representing Salmond who performed Waiata, and Pasifika dance. You can see the passion and joy in the pictures below. 

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The College year in pictures