Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

Applications for 2025 are open now! Click on Apply for more information

Ballin' it at the 'Mond

Friday 11th September 2020

Salmond Ball 2020 - The in-house-one-bubble Ball of a lifetime

5th September 2020 will go down in history as one heck of a special evening at Salmond College. Due to Covid Alert Level 2, the 'Enchanted Garden' Ball could only go ahead in-house at Salmond, with no visitors allowed - a Salmond only event. Sounds  a bit grim. But the reality of a beautiful evening, great work by the Ball Committee who transformed the College, two DJs who rocked - including our very own Harrison Rumney - and top food and drinks from the Food Services team, and a crew in good-spirits. The evidence is in the pictures below which paint a thousand words.

Wow, what a night. enjoy :--)

Octacan 2020

Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Cans donated by Salmond residents at the time of the Mid-Winter Christmas have helped stock the PSO food bank. Thanks to all the residents who donated, and to Dylan, Padraig and Harry who helped pack and deliver the items. Legends.

Daffodil Day 2020

Friday 28th August 2020

Valerie, Ana and Dewni are three of the Salmond Legends doing their bit for the Cancer Society's Daffodil Day on Friday 28th August. Thanks to all the volunteers for contributing the Dunedin North Community. 

Salmond Residential Leaders for 2021

Friday 14th August 2020

It's great to be able to introduce you to the 9 you people who have accepted the offer of a place on the RL team for 2021. 

Taamirangi Sam-Turner, Michelle Moraga-Torres, Conner Besley, Lam Tran, Elle Chotiwanich and Pankhuri Bedekar return in 2021 for their second year in the role. They wiill be joined by Charlotte McManus, Sushanth Yahdav and Tonga Nau who wil be RLs for the first time next year. I am sure you'll agree they are a fine looking bunch, and we are confident they will be a successful team. Wonder if you can work out who's who in this amateur pic ....


Salmond Scholarships for 2021

Sunday 2nd August 2020

Salmond College Scholarships


From 1 August 2020, the Foundation for Knox College and Salmond College invites applications for scholarships to attend Salmond College in 2021. The Foundation offers two types of scholarships:  

All scholarship recipients are expected to be actively involved in the life of the College.

               1. Scholarships for first year students

The Foundation of Knox College and Salmond College provides several scholarships for students attending Salmond College for the first time. Each scholarship is worth between $1000 to $4000. Eligibility for these scholarships, the criteria for selection and the selection process as well as the application form can be found at the Foundation’s Website

2. Scholarships for returning students

The Foundation of Knox College and Salmond College also provides several scholarships for returning students who have made a significant contribution to the life of the College in a preceding year. These scholarships are normally worth up to $1000 each,

Applications for returners’ scholarships should be made by email to the Head of College:

Criteria for returners’ scholarships

a. Eligibility

            Applicants must:

b. Selection Process

A Selection Committee comprising, the Head and Deputy Head of Salmond College and a Trustee from the Foundation of Knox College and Salmond College, shall consider the following factors in awarding the scholarships:


c. Tenure

d. Other Requirements

            Each scholarship recipient must:


e.    Timeline

            Applications close at midnight on Wednesday, 30th September 2020.

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The College year in pictures