Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

Residential Leader applications 2025 are open now! Click on Apply for more information

Health, Safety and Wellbeing.

If you need help, or just want to talk about something you are concerned about, feel free to talk with any of the Residential Leaders, the Deputy Head or the Head of College.

Each member of Salmond accepts a responsibility to help make life within the College as safe, healthy and enjoyable as possible. Always be kind and encouraging of others.


All illness should be reported to your Residential Leader, and during Office hours, the administation team. If you have any of the key Covid-19 symptoms, fever, cough, breathing difficulties, runny nose, sore throat, consult Healthline on 0800 611116 to confirm whether a Covid Test is required, and report this to your RL and the Office.

For non-urgent illness, residents should make their own appointments at Student Health. The University of Otago and the Otago Polytechnic both operate a medical and counselling service. For urgent cases the Deputy Head of College is able to make special appointments.


The University of Otago Chaplaincy Service has an excellent booklet on homesickness which you may find useful. This is available at the link below.


Residents should lock their room when they are not present. Residents are responsible for insuring possessions, and encouraged to do so. Insurance companies may not pay out on claims if rooms are not secured. The College Board takes no repsonsibility for loss of items.

Security cameras are present througout the College for the protection of residents. Regular security patrols are carried out by the residential staff, including RLs and security staff during the evenings. If uninvited outsiders are seen around or in the building they should be reported to the duty RL or security staff.

The College's exits lock at 9.30pm in the evenings and unlock at 7.00am in the mornings. Residents' door key card opens the front door as well as thier room.

Security guards are employed each evening from 10.15pm to ensure the safety of all students.

Property and Damage

Damage to College property is considered a serious offence and breach of the residential contract. Such behaviour may lead to suspension, an investigation of the behaviour and possible exclusion from the College.

Damage to Property

This should be reported promptly. No charge is made for normal wear and tear, however any deliberate or avoidable damage will be charged to the person/people causing it.


All residents are advised to take out their own insurance. The Board of Knox College & Salmond College Incorporated take no responsibility for loss of residents property of any kind.

Many residents are able to insure their possessions under an extension of their parent’s policies.