Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

Transport and Parking

Transport and Parking


Bikes can be stored in the locked shed at the rear of the College, or the bike racks in the quad. It is strongly suggested that bikes are kept locked at all times and insured. 


Salmond has registered parking for up to 25 resident vehicles in the space adjacent to the tennis court. Carparks are charged at $350.00 per year.

Residents will be notified when parking spaces are available to be purchased via the portal.

As the car park is accessible to the public, we recommend that residents do not leave valuables in cars. All vehicles are parked at residents’ own risk and the College accepts no responsibility for any theft, loss or damage to vehicles.

Residents may not park in the staff or visitor parks at the front of the College. Any resident cars parked in staff or visitor car parks may be clamped or towed.

Transport to and from the College

There are is a free shuttle to the campus leaving at 7.30am and a shuttle for Pathways students leaving at 8.30am. Evening shuttles return from the campus to Salmond at 6pm and 10.00pm Monday - Friday and can be booked through the online portal.