Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

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Guests and Leave

Guests and Leave


Visitors are welcome until 9.30pm each night, but may not drink alcohol at the College unless attending special functions such as the Ball.

Guests for Meals

Guests are welcome at meals if the kitchen or office are informed beforehand, and should be signed in on the form at the beginning of the food service by the resident hosting them. A charge is for guest meals will be placed on the resident's account.

Overnight Guests

Guests are welcome to stay overnight if a visitor form has been completed and signed by the Head or Deputy Head in most cases 48 hours prior too the guest's arrival. Extra mattresses are available but guests will need to provide their own bedding. The charge for overnight guests is noted in the Residents' Handbook.

The Head of College reserves the right to decline requests for overnight guests if that is deemed to be in the best interest of the College. Guests are not allowed in the College during closed functions or during study zone and examination periods.

Weekend or overnight leave

Residents are asked to fill in the Leave Book including a contact address when they are away from the College overnight.