Salmond College

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Applications for 2025 are open now! Click on Apply for more information

Residential Leader Applications 2025

Residential Leader Recruitment for 2025 is now open!

Residential Leaders are invaluable members of the staff team at Salmond College. The position of Residential Leader provides opportunities to develop your skills in pastoral care and leadership, and is a great opportunity for personal development. Many residents who have excelled during their time as a resident at Salmond College have taken the opportunity to return as an RL to give back to the College.

There are two University and Affiliated Colleges information evenings for anyone keen to learn more about being a sub-warden (RL) on Thursday 18th July, 7.30pm or Sunday 21st July, 7.30pm in the Mark Parker Seminar Room at University College.

The Role

Residential Leaders (RLs) work up to 20 hours a week (40 hours a fortnight) as part of a dynamic team here at Salmond. An effective Residential Leader will have pastoral and leadership skills, empathy, motivation, and an excellent work ethic. There is extensive training that covers a variety of areas pertinent to the position, including mental and physical health.  RLs are part of the wider pastoral team at Salmond College and are supported at all times by the senior staff of the College. 

How to Apply

To apply for the Residential Leader position, please send the following documents to Rachael Carson, Deputy Head - Pastoral and Wellbeing at by July 28th, 2024. We will be in contact regarding interviews as applications are received, and offers will be made in late July/early August 2024. 

What to Include: 

  1. Letter/email of application, stating why you're interested in the role of Residential Leader and why you think you would be suitable for the position. In your letter/email, you should demonstrate that you have read the Residential Leader Job Description and that you have some knowledge of Salmond College.
  2. Completed Application Form - The Application Form must include the names of two referees. 
  3. Current CV - If you have any questions about the Residential Leader role at Salmond College, including terms of employment or the appointment process, please contact the Head of College by email or phone (03) 473 0750. 

Applications close on Sunday 28th July 2024.